The new album from La Maxima 79 - X - a statement to todays music
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When I talk to DJs from Spain to Poland, from Stockholm to Italy, they all lament the flood of very commercial and watered-down releases, especially in the bachata scene, or the constant repetition of countless Cuban timbas. These are desired by the audience on the one hand but leave little room for new releases on the other. In fact, not much spectacular has been released in the salsa scene in recent years.
However, a reliable source of innovation is Fabrizio Zoro, who, as a solo artist, producer, and with his band “La Maxima 79,” has been surprising us for many years with creative and intelligent salsa, continually releasing a series of hits, some of which are now considered classics of the genre.
Read more: The new album from La Maxima 79 - X - a statement to todays music
The entire Salsa basic, explained with arms, head, hips and bodymovement
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As in every sport, the basics are often very important. In dancing, the foundation of everything is a clean and good basic step. This includes, in addition to the correct execution of the actual step sequence, also paying attention to the tempo, body posture, and so on.
However, I often notice that in our country, people tend to focus too much on their feet and ignore the rest of their body at first. For complete beginners, this is certainly okay. But we do not remain at the beginner level. In fact, good dancing movement is always fluid and a continuous flow through the entire body. This includes the harmonious coordination of feet, legs, hips, torso, shoulders, arms, hands, and head!
Read more: The entire Salsa basic, explained with arms, head, hips and bodymovement
Marc Anthony releses "Muevense", his new Album
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After just two years, today the successor album to "Pa'Alla Voy" has been released. I was expecting it to be next year, as "El Flaco" usually takes at least three years for a new album. As always with him, there is a lot of new wonderful dance music, especially abundant salsa with a lot of fun and good music.
Marc Anthony has now released 15 albums and is one of the best-selling and most listened-to Latin artists. It's a shame that outside of our scene he's so unknown in Europe. To date, he has sold over 12 million albums and his music is heard millions of times worldwide.
New Bachata 2024: Prince Royce lost call and many more!
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In February and March, there is often a surge in new music releases. This is mainly due to the anticipation of summer and the planning of upcoming concerts. Naturally, much more Latin music is also sold and played in the summer. Additionally, there are what are known as strategic releases: record labels often strategically plan the release of albums and singles to take advantage of specific market conditions. This could mean releasing new music at a time when competition is lower or when potentially higher sales are expected. There's also a general positive atmosphere as winter is soon over, and spring often brings better moods and a festive spirit.
Read more: New Bachata 2024: Prince Royce lost call and many more!
Summer 2023 - Trends and observations
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Once again this summer, I was in Spain and took note of the current trends and developments for you. Almost daily salsa and bachata parties were my favorite pastime for many weeks. Personally, I still feel that we are experiencing the lingering effects of the pandemic, especially in relation to salsa. Some friends who used to be my companions in Spanish clubs for years, I haven't seen as often anymore. Many have also taken up other hobbies.
Overall, I see significant progress compared to last year, especially with more clubs offering Latin parties again and more opportunities for classes, parties, etc. emerging.
New Music from La Maxima 79 - Mucho Guaguanco
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Regular readers know, that I am also a big fan of European and especially the Italian "Latin Music". Among many other bands, La Maxima 79 is a constant for almost 10 years and moving people worldwide with excellent music!
in 2019 the band had released the album "Resilienza" before the pandemic. Unfortunately, they were hardly live on the road (on Youtube you will find a few recordings! Link below), because the lockdowns, concerts were not possible worldwide for a long time.
I found that very unfortunate, because the album was in many ways a brilliant, mature and diverse, which had many very excellet hits. For the first time, Marco Puma was involved and the album covered many of the La Maxima 79 typical styles, such as Guaguanco, Mambo, Cha Cha Cha, Boogaloo, Pachanga, Son and Timba.
Summer 2021 - Life starts again - Let's Dance
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Summer has now officially begun and I would like to report back. After many months without any news for dancers, I hope that things are now looking up again. First parties are already taking place, unfortunately not all of them legal (that surely harms the community!).
Due to the pandemic, many dance schools and clubs have been hit very hard. But at the moment the infection numbers are decreasing strongly and all of Europe is hoping for a good and above all normal summer. Let's hope for the best.
Musically, May and June have seen a lot of new music. I found a nice playlist for you: New Latinmusic 2021.
Have fun listening. There are many of the famous Latinstars like Maluma, Ozuna, Bad Bunny, Arcangel, Mike Woodz, Becky G, Natti Natascha, J. Balvin, Thalia, Wisin, Karol G, Reik and others.
"I had Covid 19 and it helped me come up with a new project" - Interview with Bersy Cortez
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Since March 2020 many dance teachers have lost their students, their jobs, spent months in quarantine and have struggled to keep their dance schools alive.
One of the most famous Salsa dancers in the world is Bersy Cortez. She herself was infected with Covid-19 in March during one of her trips and ended up being very sick for 5 weeks.
She spent several weeks in quarantine at home until she recovered completely.
As her friend and photographer I met her 14 days ago at her home in Malaga and we did an interview about what she experienced this year.
Follow me on Social Media - check out my links
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Since I have been asked several times in the last few days that my links on Facebook are sometimes not displayed due to their algorithm, here is my list with all links to my social media platforms. I am happy about all those who subscribe to me and my channels!
To make it worthwhile, I will post more content in every channel in the following weeks. Especially on Instagram and TikTok I have posted a lot in the last days. Twitter I am just discovering for me anew. So there will be more to come. Have fun watching it.
Interview DJ Soltrix
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Because of the wonderful live performances from DJ Soltrix during the quarantine, I got the idea to interview him. The whole thing was quickly arranged by Instagram.
I think, pretty much every bachata dancer should know him, because he is for sure one of the most famous bachata DJs of all time. His style is unmistakable and his remixes were among the first ever and are big hits.
He is such a nice and modest guy, as you will surely see on the next pages. Have fun reading!
Streams against boredom - Latin tips for the quarantine (videos, streams etc.)
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Because of the corona virus, public life is at a standstill and many are bored at home and would like to dance more or make better use of their time. Thanks to the creativity of many artists there is an incredible offer of private streams at the moment. Especially on the weekends it explodes. Many artists are online with streams! dancing classes, concerts, live Dj sets and much more!
At this point I will give you tips on links and streams. Have fun. #StayAtHome
Read more: Streams against boredom - Latin tips for the quarantine (videos, streams etc.)
New playlist Bachata - Spring 2020
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About every six months I release my newest playlist for Bachata music. Here you can find the new releases and also older titles.
The last playlist was released in August and I thought it's time again, because a lot of new music has been released already.
Especially I want to point out the new single of Dustin Richie "Deseo" and some new remixes of DJ Tronky. Also Grupo Extra, Kewin Cosmos and even Romeo Santos have released new music.
"Dance Monkey" will certainly also provide sikussions, but it's a real catchy tune that really makes you dance :)
Have fun browsing, dancing and listening!
Dennis Bischi has created a playlist with the best songs: Playlist Bachata at Youtube; Playlist Bachata at Spotify.
My Latin-Trap & Reggaeton-Playlist 2020
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Reggaeton will also be a big trend in 2020! In Spain it will have replaced Spanish pop music in 2019. There are still many new releases. The style itself is about to change and I guess there will be a split in two or three directions.
I haven't noticed so much of new Trap recently. Should this trend already come to an end? It seems that some Trap artists are now moving from trap to reggaeton (for example Bad Bunny). There is a mixture of the two styles which will maybe speed up the Reggaetonsplit into the harder and softer type.
As always, send me your comments and advices on good new music. You can contact me via Facebook or email.
Five questions to Fabrizio Zoro from La Maxima 79 about the new album "#Resilenza"
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Together with La Maxima 79, Fabrizio Zoro will release the new album "#Resilienza" the 27th of december, shortly after the release of iLatin3 a few months ago. It seems that Fabrizio has been working non-stop and many good ideas want to be implemented.
In October I could already listen to some tracks of the new album and was thrilled.
I have now met Fabrizio again and on this occasion I asked him five questions about "#Resilienza":
Read more: Five questions to Fabrizio Zoro from La Maxima 79 about the new album "#Resilenza"
New playlist Bachata - Summer 2019
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I would like to present you again the new and newly discovered Bachatas from this summer in a playlist.
Like every year, I publish my playlists twice a year. Most of the tracks are new titles, but there are also some older ones,that I may have discovered or really liked this year. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Have fun listening and dancing!
Dennis Bischi has created a playlist with the best songs: Playlist Bachata at Youtube; Playlist Bachata at Spotify.
Summer 2019: Most played Salsa and Bachata this summer
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Every night I hear the latest music here in spainish clubs. This summer there is a lot of new music, especially new Bachata and Salsa and the DJs do neverhesitate toplay the most recent titles.
It should be noted that here in Spain every night abozt 90% of the music is commercial and well-known. The dancers demand that and always want something new in order to be able to interpret the music.
Once a dancer know the titles perfectly by heart, they can interpret them perfectly and enjoy the dancinga lot more. Pure musicallity!
Read more: Summer 2019: Most played Salsa and Bachata this summer
Summer 2019: lots of new Videos online!
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Here's some information for you: Since I'm in Spain at the moment and the dance scene is excellent here, I'm filming and photographing a lot at the moment.
Almost every day I take part in dance courses, film shows and social dances and then share these films in my Youtube channel.
My social media channels, My facebookaccount "Holger Salsainfo", the Instagram "Salsainfo" and my "Youtube channel" are supplied daily with news from the dance scene. Also here in the blog and my Facebook account "Holger Salsainfo" often new messages appear.
So always check it out, there are a lot of new things to discover. You can subscribe to all channels and I am happy about every follower and everyone who shares my links. :-)
A stunning Workshop mit Rodrigo Cortazar
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Leser meines Blogs wissen, dass ich selten spontan Artikel veröffentliche. Meisten liegen Artikel hier wochen- oder monatelang und werden immer mal wieder ergänzt, bis ich sie schließlich veröffentliche. Heute möchte ich damit aber brechen, da ich gerade noch so euphorisch von dem bin, was ich gerade erlebt habe, sodass ich meine Gedanken gleich teilen möchte. Ich hoffe, der Text wird dadurch nicht zu chaotisch.
Denn heute hatte ich das große Glück bei einem Workshop in Malaga einen wirklich großen Tänzer und vor allem Gelehrten in der Geschichte des Salsa kennenzulernen. Die Sprache ist von Rodrigo Cortazar, der seit ca. 2 Jahren zusammen mit Bersy Cortez weltweit auf allen Kongressen zu den absoluten Highlights zählt. Seit heute, weiß ich nun auch warum :-)
The origins of Salsa & Bachata
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When you take your first dance lesson you might learn about the origins of Salsa and Bachata and maybe even something about other dances. Many beginners know that Salsa comes from Latin America and that it has roots in Cuba. For most dancers this knowledge is sufficient. If they continue to learn they will come across Mambo, Rumba, Cha Cha Cha and also New York Style or Pachanga. But I promise you, there is a lot more to discover.
I created a graphical chart of the different connections to give you an overview and better explain this. I based my research on a lot of sources. The boundaries between rhythm, dance, instruments and musical style are not always clear. Especially in traditional music there is a flowing transition. Although there are a few exceptions (such as the basic rhythm of the puerto rican dance "Bomba”, which is called Sicá).
The complexity of the human brain and its creativity is infinite. People constantly create something new by mixing things together (called fusion). This applies to music and dance too. It is almost impossible to trace Salsa and Bachata back to every root and identify it, so my graphic below is only an initial overview.
I myself learned a lot about these connections and hope my overview is as truthful as possible. I am looking forward to your feedback.
New Latin Albums - Spring 2019
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In springtime, especially in late spring, a lot of new publications come out every year, which partly dominate the whole summer and the dance scene. I'm very happy to see that this year, instead of only single hits, the big stars have released a lot of new albums again. What's striking is that the "usual suspects" (e.g. Marc Anthony & Gente de Zona) habe already released very good music and aim to have maybe one of the big summer hits!
Also Enrique Iglesias and Luis Fonsi have already released new albums in February and may even release a summer hit in June.
I will update this page if necessary, so check it out again!
My Latin-Trap & Reggaeton-Playlist 2019
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Reggaeton has been the Latinmusic trend of 2018. After all known stars had released Reggaeton, there is also a lot of new music this year. A lot with some very danceable tracks. It is very interesting that within the Reggaeton a new style is established, where in addition to the Reggeaton rhythm there is a constant beat. This was heard for the first time on "Te Boté". The character of the music is completely different!
Often a song is first released under their own name and then the "Official Remix" with additional artists. Bad Bunny, Ozuna, Nicky Jam, Farukko, Daddy Yankee, J Balvin, Becky G, Karol G, Nacho, Wisin & Yandel and many more are involved in many productions. As always at this point I recommend the radio station Gozadera FM from Spain, which (almost) only plays reggaeton.
There is also a lot of new trap this year. Interestingly, both styles seem to have very similar fans, as most artists are at home in both styles.
Bachata News 2019 - Playlist and favorites I
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The new year has started with a lot of new music, so I prensent to you my new favorite Bachatas 2019. This playlist is strictly personal, and contains not only new music, but also music that I like to play a lot! In my playlist you will find many Bachatas, traditional and modern ones. If you are interested in my older playlists, here the are: Bachata-Playlist 2018 II, Bachata-Playlist 2018 I).
Six months ago there was a long discussion in a german Facebookgroup about whether this is all Bachata and that some of my favorites are not traditional Bachata, etc.
I basically don't want to take part in the discussion, because Bachata has been moving in two directions for several years now and I like both of them. There are still similarities and I also understand if followers of one direction prefer "their" music. I also don't like everything, modern timba, for example, isn't always mine.
Interview with Fabrizio Zoro from La Maxima 79
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I feel very honoured that I had the pleasure to interview Fabrizio Zoro about his life as a musician and bandleader of his very successful Orchestra "La Maxima 79" and his career as an excellent and worldwide renown DJ. The many hits of La Maxima like "Pobrecita", "La Gripe" or "Mi Chula" are worldwide successes.
While the band is busy rehearsing I am meeting Fabrizio on a rainy Saturday night in Milan. Fabrizio is very professional but despite his great success, incredibly humble and down-to-earth. He revealed a lot about himself as a bandleader and DJ, his projects and about his private life. He even let us in on a couple of secrets and who his biggest inspirations are and his favourite bands.
But read for yourself and get to know one of the important and influential characters of todays Salsa Music.
Dustin Richie released fantastic new piece "Sed De Ti"
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January 30th, Dustin Richie released his new piece "Sed De Ti". A romantic Song with really beautiful lyrics and the typical Dustin Richie sound of a traditional yet modern Bachata.
After his two big successes of the last years "Palabras Que Matan" and "Bachata A lo loco" the international singer, who commutes between Valencia, Cuba and Germany, has worked hard. In a conversation two weeks ago, he told me that he had already started working on the piece with his band in autumn.
I think the work was worth it! A piece that goes quickly into your ears and immediately encourages you to dance. With that Dustin succeeded in seamlessly connecting to his previous successes.
Read more: Dustin Richie released fantastic new piece "Sed De Ti"
The best Latin X-Mas-Songs
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X-mas, the time of year where we like to be with our families and loved ones. Sometimes its difficult to find the right music and not everybody likes to hear chartmusic at Christmas Eve.
Of course latinmusic has a lot to offer for this time of the year. From very commercial albums to unforgettable masterpieces you will find a lot of vere fine and nice salsamusic.
So there is no need to listen to the crap that comes every year for X-mas from the well known popstars! Here is a collection of my favorite Christmassongs. Feel free to fill your Spotify-playlist or buy them.
And please write me your favourite titles in the comments on Facebook. Thank you!
Happy Christmas everybody!
New Music, Winter 2018 (Salsa, Trap, Bachata, Reggaeton etc.)
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Traditionally, many artists release new music from the end of October to the end of November. In this time of the year, everybody is preparing for Xmas and at the same time a lot of people have time to listen and discover new Songs! Besides the traditional and super beautiful Latin Christmas music (see here my recommandations: Latin -Xmas-Music!), there is also a lot of new good and danceable music.
All current big names of the business have already published beuatiful songs: Marc Anthony, Romeo Santos, Jennifer Lopez, Bad Bunny, Ozuna, Prince Royce, Maluma, Gente De Zona, Wisin & Yandel, Daddy Yankee, La Maxima 79 and many more!
I have compiled a selection of the new releases that are interesting for me at the moment. I hope you like it! If you know of further new releases, please write in the comments!
Read more: New Music, Winter 2018 (Salsa, Trap, Bachata, Reggaeton etc.)
My Latin-Trap & Reggaeton-Playlist 2018 II
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- Hits: 4621
At the beginning of this year, I released the first part of my Reggaeton & Latin Trap playlist. Both styles are strongly represented this year and over the summer there were some new releases as well as some older tracks that slipped into my playlist.
Here is now part 2 of my 2018 playlist "Reggaeton & Latin-Trap 2018". You can find part 1 under this link: Playlist Reggaeton & Latin-Trap 2018 - Part 1.
The radio station Gozadera FM, recommended 6 months ago, still broadcasts great Reggaeton. I would also like to recommend another station that also plays reggaeton, trap and current music: Kokun Fm from Malaga. Very enjoyable!
As always, I'm looking forward to your comments and tips. Leave me your messages on Facebook or by mail. Thanks!
A Night in Milan - The Fernando Sosacademy & Camana Club
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I was invited by Fabrizio Zoro to an exciting Salsa event on 11 October 2018 at Camana Club in Milan, where he works as a DJ every Thursday night. Camana Club is located next to the famous Sosa Dance Academy. This very special occasion included three great performances: by Fernando Sosa and Tropical Gem, by Adolfo Indacochea & his Latin Soul Dancers as well as Marco Ferrigno and his team (check out Videos below).
The motto of the evening was #QUENOSEMUERALASALSA, translated "don’t let Salsa die". This motto could be explained by the fact that even in a huge Salsa capital like Milan, a lot of Bachata and Kizomba music is played which attracts masses of dancers, so that Fernando Sosa decided to set a statement with his night and emphasize the importance and uniqueness of Salsa.
Read more: A Night in Milan - The Fernando Sosacademy & Camana Club
Bachata News 2018 (Summer & Autumn) II
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So, here is the second part of my favorite Bachatas 2018. There was a lot of new music during summer, so that I thought to complete the year 2018 with a second article and a second playlist. The first one you will find here: The Best Bachatas Spring 2018
In my playlist you will find many Bachatas, traditional and modern ones. These are not necessarily all super new songs, but mostly new releases of the last months. You will surely already know some of them, but certainly not everything :)
The reader Dennis Bischi made a really cool Playlist from most of the named Bachatas. Thanks a lot Dennis! :)
Enjoy browsing, dancing and listening my actual playlist Bachata:
Rubén Blades Live in Concert - an unforgettable experience
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I was very lucky to see one of the still living legends of Salsa and Latin music live - Rubén Blades is on tour again! I never dreamed of seeing the old master in person. So I was very enthusiastic when I heard about the concert a week ago. First of all, it was sensational!
Some of the younger readers may not know him, but rest assured that he is a legend of salsa and Latin jazz. To be allowed to experience this moment and this ingenious concert was something very special, which is why I decided to write a little concert review. Enjoy your reading.
Excerpt from the concert: Rubén Blades - Plástico & Pedro Navaja
Update: There is now a good complete Concert from the same Tour online: Rubén Blades - San Sebastian 53, Jazzalida 2018
Read more: Rubén Blades Live in Concert - an unforgettable experience
Bachata News 2018
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- Hits: 6257
From mid-January until now, as every year, a lot of new music has been released. Among them many Bachatas, traditional and modern ones. At regular intervals, usually twice a year, I publish my actual playlist online. These are not necessarily all super new Songs, but mostly new releases of the last months. You will surely already know some of them, but certainly not everything :)
I have also recorded some of these new releases, so that you have a good overview of really current pieces.
Enjoy browsing, dancing and listening!
So here comes my actual playlist Bachata:
The reader Dennis Bischi made a really cool Playlist of most of the named Bachatas. Thanks a lot Dennis! :)
Bachata Class from Victor and Cristina (Spain) in Frankfurt
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Yesterday I had the pleasure attending a really nice Bachata-Workshop from Victor and Cristina. They were studiend with a lot of famous Bachata Teachers and teach for years now on congresses worldwide. Both, 21 and 22 years old, show the new direction of Bachata, that is fastly evolving from Bachata Sensual to a more danceable and fusionlike crossoverstyle. Mixing modern elements of Cuban Salsa and Crossbody-Salsa into modern Bachata.
This new Bachata it's very enjoyable and it is fun dancing sexy and skillfull at the same time!
After the workshops, both of them were available for countless social dances during the whole party and some of the dancers were surprised by the high skills also in salsa. Which is no wonder, as they are active participants in the "Mambo-Touch-Team-Malaga". A Project of the great Bersy Cortez and Noelia Delgado, which is a kind of master class exclusively for dance teachers.
The highlight of the evening was their performance with the current Bachata programme 2018. The audience appreciated it very much. After a long applause, they asked for an encore to the show and Victor and Cristina improvised a social dance which, thanks to his perfect interpretation of the music, almost looked like a studied show. Wow, they are real professionals:)
Read more: Bachata Class from Victor and Cristina (Spain) in Frankfurt
Romeo Santos & Ozuna - Sobredosis - new video out today!
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Romeo Santos is making a huge start for 2018. After the release of "El Farsante" two weeks ago, "Sobredosis" follows today. Also with Ozuna, this song was already recorded last year for the album "Golden". So today follows the video, almost a year later.
Probably many people are already familiar with this song, especially as it was one of the better ones from "Golden", which has already been played at many Bachata parties.
The video begins with the session in a group therapy, and the female therapist lets Romeo comment on his problem: Sex addiction... Then you can see a flashback, where he is seduced and then tied to his bed by a very attractive woman. The video ends with the end of the group therapie, when the other men and their women are looking with intensive and seducing looks at Romeo.
Hahaha, I always knew, that his life is hard. ???
Read more: Romeo Santos & Ozuna - Sobredosis - new video out today!
My Latin-Trap & Reggaeton-Playlist 2018
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2017 was the year of big return of Reggaeton! A lot of artistst, even the most famous Lationpop artists like Shakira and Romeo Santos, published really good Reggaetonmusic. Some of the Artists from the golden time of Reggaeton (2004-2006) like Daddy Yankee, Don Omar, Chino & Nacho, Zion & Lenox, Wisin and Yandel are still very active and produce really good music! But newer artists like Nicky Jam, J. Balvin, Jacob Forever, Maluma. Ozuna, Bad Bunny and Farruko have taken over and are selling a lot!
Relativly new is also a new dicetion in Latin music, that has evolved from Hip-Hop: Latin-Trap.
I am really glad about all this "new" Reggaeton and Latin-Trap and hope you like my playlist, with mostly new releases.
As always, I'm looking forward to your comments and your tips. Leave me your messages on Facebook or by mail.
Romeo Santos & Ozuna - El Farsante
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I was just looking through some recent youtube videos, when I get the hint of a new video by Romeo Santos. But what am I looking at? "El Farsante? Wait a minute, that's the brilliant "Latin Trap" number from Ozuna, where there's already a wonderful Bachata remix from DJ Tronky.
Obviously, this has also been heard by Romeo Santos, and he thought that he could do like many of his colleagues in 2017 (like Shakira, Marc Anthony, Gilberto Santa Rosa, Jennifer Lopez and many others), who are releasing a duet from an already very famous chart song. So now it is Romeo Santos who jumps onto a already moving train. And listen to it, that Remix is sheer magic! Romeo has chosen very well!
In short: WOW
Here, Latin trap and the most famous Bachata singer meet and form a brilliant symbiosis of one of the best dance songs at the moment - close your eyes and turn the music on! ???.
A (Bachata-) video goes viral - my analysis of an unexpected succes
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Videos in social media sometimes get a lot of attention. If so, and the number of views reaches really high quotes, people say the picture or video gets viral. Usually this happens to videos from teenagers who give make-up tips or funny videos from people getting hurt or falling with their skateboard from a roof. ;-)
Viral videos are an interesting phenomenon and it happened to one of my videos. That's really fantastic! The interesting thing about this, it is a bachata dance video that got a lot of attention and not a make-up video! In this article I try to analyze it from my point of view.
In March 2016 I filmed the two world-famous Bachata dancers Daniel and Desiree, who are probably the most known and hottest Bachata dancers in the world. The filming took place at the end of a workshop at the Frankfurt Salsa Festival 2016. Since then, this video has reached 6 million clicks. WOW - this number still surprises me today!
Read more: A (Bachata-) video goes viral - my analysis of an unexpected succes
Bullshit-Bingo (Cuban Edition) ;-)
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Well, a not so serious contribution: -) I noticed in the last few months that you can hear a lot of music from Cuba in the club this year. A real flood of new Cuban music, mostly Timba or with many hard Timba and Cubaton-elements. Good for dancing but for me personally, too monotonous! Especially the harder kind of Timba, with little melody and a lot of angry screaming, is too much for my taste. So while standing at the dancefloor, I started to listen to the dance breaks and listened to more details; -)
As a musician, I really like Cuban music very much. There has never been a lack of imaginative rhythms, variations, good singing and a lot of positive emotions in cuban music. SO do not get me wrong about this. I am not against cuban music!
Ten rules for the polite treatment of each other in dancing
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Online lists of guidelines for dancing are abundant. The trend comes from the US and can be very helpful for beginners.
Recently I found a Spanish list that focuses on six "do's and don'ts" in salsa dancing. At first glance the list may seem legit. But after a closer look it became clear to me, that some of the guidelines are outdated and deserve closer attention. Salsa has changed in the last 10 years, as well as Bachata. But are our "rules of behavior" also changing?
One thing is certain, a lot more young people are dancing today than 10 or 15 years ago. Another factor which makes it complicated to agree on a certain set of rules, is the fact that for a lot of other dance styles, for instance ball room dancing, the focal points are different.
So I thought I'd work on this list, add to it and comment on it. The first rules apply mainly to men, although not exclusively. In the end, there are a few rules for women only. My focus is definitely on Salsa, Bachata and all variations of the Latin dance.
Read more: Ten rules for the polite treatment of each other in dancing
My Reggaeton-Playlist 2017
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This year Reggaeton was in my eys more present in the media than in the previous years. The more poppy version of it, which can be heard at Chantaje or Despacito, certainly has something to do with this. Some of the old heroes of the golden years (2004-2006) like Daddy Yankee, Don Omar, Chino & Nacho, Zion & Lenox and Wisin are still present and delivering good music! But also artists who have become more famous in the last few years also had much more attention this year. These include J. Balvin, Jacob Forever, Maluma and Farruko. But the most you can hear is Nicky Jam, who has been in the business for a long time!
All in all, I am very happy about the "return" and that Reggaeton has established itself in general (in Cuba and Latin America Reggaeton it was never gone!)
As always, I'm looking forward to your comments and your tips. Leave me your messages on Facebook or by mail.
Benidorm Salsacongress 2017
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¡Benidorm a ti te llama! "Benidorm is calling you" - This slogan is, like in every summer, the invitation to one of the most popular european Salsa- and Bachatacongresses. It is definitly the most know congress in Spain and has in my eyes the highest level of every other congress I have visited so far. Benidorm is located close to Alicante at the spanish mediterrean cost. This is one of the most touristic regions of spain, so you see a lot of skyscrapers from the big and important Hotels and the city is crowded by tourists from all over the world (mostly from Spain, Britan and Germany). People say, that the squaremeter for building houses and hotels is as expensie as in New York... but I doubt that ;-)
The Benidorm-Festival is divided in two parts: the first week you will find mainly Bachata and Cuban Salsa and the second week is dedicated to Salsa, Mambo and other styles. For two weeks, Benidorm is the worls-capital of Salsa :)
Bachata News 2017 II (Summer 2017)
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At the moment I am in Malaga at the Costa Del Sol and I am listening to a lot of new music. Here in Malaga you will find, like in every big spanish city, every night lots of different Latinpartys and of course a lot of very popular DJs. The DJs here know exactly whta to play, the competition is really high, so every DJs knows about the new stuff as well as the old classic and the very dancable tunes that fill the dancefloor in a second.
I will publish some articles under the tag Summer 2017 in this blog about the dancescene here and the actual trends. I would ilke to start with the actual Bachataplylist.
Bachata News 2017 I
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Time to look back to 2016 and also embrace 2017: Last year was a very good one for Salsa and especially Bachata. So many new songs, beautiful and fragile like "Sabanas Blancas" and fast and dancable like "En Todo Fuiste La Mejor" or "Quitemonos La Ropa". We had some really good songs on the dancefloors that still are important today!
This is always a good sign, if the songs stay longer and you are not bored of them after 2 weeks :)
So here comes my actual playlist Bachata:
Interview DJ Tronky
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Who really likes Bachata will probably know DJ Tronky from Italy. In Bachatamusic he is one of the most famous DJ at the time.
I was lucky to have a some words with DJ Tronky from Rome. He is well known to everybody who is looking for new and fresh Bachata. His remixes are unique and have a fresh and modern sound. Tronky belongs to the new generation of Bachata-DJs who change the character of a song to give them a complete new sound, a new direction but still remind closely to the original song the same time!
Here is my interview with him:
Bachata News 2016
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2015 was a really good year for bachata. Lots of new songs and woderful music. I am sure, that lots of the songs will stay with us for some time longer.
Already 2014 was a good year for Us-American Bacgata! The US-american musicindustry pubished a lot of ne spanish and spanglish music. Romeo Santos published his new album "Formula 2" which was dominating until today the dancefloors. Also JR and Leslie Grace made some good music! Both represent a new popstyle Bachata.